Welcome to the Lifespinners website, which is a spin-off from my near-future novel, also Lifespinners. The story is set in 2048 within the well-protected and apparently serene community of Wellowfern, where the residents are offered life enrichment and the latest therapies to promote longevity and rejuvenation. They have all escaped from their past, in one way or another. They don’t want any disturbing reminders or complications, but they are now facing insidious and powerful forces battling over their future.
In carrying out research and developing my ideas for the book and website, I have drawn on a huge range of excellent sources. I want to thank all the many academic experts and science journalists who write so engagingly about their own specialist areas. For readers who are keen to explore the scientific topics and futuristic aspects of life in 2048, I have written six overview pieces, which you will find under ‘Themes‘.
Lynn Watson
Contact: lynn48@lifespinners.com
Website design: Jay D Stow